Monday, May 3, 2010

72,000 asanas

I want to practice. This summer my plate has been full, mostly being busy keeping the kids busy during the school break. I have little time to do what I love most, yoga that is.

But as one teacher has said there are more than 72,000 asanas in all--yes, not just the seated/ standing poses, the inversions or all the other hatha poses we know--but every possible position of our life. So that's yoga off the mat for you, baby. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could move through life with such equanimity!

I have selective memory and retain the information I hear or read  that I feel strongly about, is logical or that I oppose. During a lecture with John Scott, I distinctly remember that there are 3 dimesions to practice.

1) A physical practice has a shelf-life of benefits (SKPJ: "Asanas done incorrectly, disease coming!"). And that's why a 2) mental practice is needed, which will elevate into a 3) spiritual practice where we understand "being human".

Just more stuff from my "reporter's notebook". Om.

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