Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Upside, downside

Reality sets in. I was growing very apprehensive about my lack of preparation for John's Mysore workshop. I was coming in cold, I told Karen when I met her at the shala before my appointed 8:15 a.m. practice. For a month a nasty bug had besieged our home sickening my son, daughter, baby and myself in its wake. That meant resting, recuperating, recovering and not practising for 30 days.  In addition I had to get up at 5 a.m. for one week to beat the rush hour traffic to Makati. I had to sneak out before my kids awoke, skip breakfast and drive while sleepy and with the day semi-dark and still dewy. On the upside, this guaranteed me a parking space safely behind the shala and best of all, gave me a close view of how John and Becky taught and adjusted the 6:15 a.m. group of practitioners.    

Being early also gave me the opportunity to re-acquaint myself with the counted vinyasa that Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga advocates and which I had been working on every Sunday with B during her Led class.  For a while and before THAT virus struck,  I had come to prefer Led classes over Mysore practice because of the meditative effect counted vinyasa began to have over me. From time to time, I would catch myself closing my eyes and fully concentrating on synchronizing breath and bandhas. And only when the asana got too challenging did I lose that synchronicity.

Upside, downside. For some would be a question of perspective. I think it's just a matter of balance. Om.

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