Just like the ancient yogis, I have been practicing in a cave it seems. Alone, with no energy to share and none to receive. I have not been able to go to the shala because my yaya left suddenly so my yoga has been home-based. But thanks to the internet, I haven't completely become a hermit and have been able to communicate with others. I learned something valuable from someone sympathetic to my troubles and problems.
She said, when practicing inhale all the earth's goodness and exhale all its' impurities. My breath has been longer, deeper and well more pleasurable as opposed to strained. Also to calm down my inner "turbulence" she reminds me about Yoga Sutra 1.33: Maitri karuna mudita upeksanam sukha duhkha punya apunya visayanam bhavanatah cittaprasadanam.
In English:
“In daily life we see people around who are happier than we are, people who are less happy. Some may be doing praiseworthy things and others causing problems. Whatever may be our usual attitude toward such people and their actions, if we can be pleased with others who are happier than ourselves, compassionate toward those who are unhappy, joyful with those doing praiseworthy things, and remain undisturbed by the errors of others, our minds will be very tranquil.” - Translation by TKV Desikachar
“To preserve the innate serenity of the mind, a yogin should be happy for those who are happy, be compassionate toward those who are unhappy, be delighted for those who are virtuous and be indifferent toward the wicked.” - Translation by Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati
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