Sunday, April 11, 2010

hOMe is where the heart is

hOMe is where I practise now. Edith's shala as Art fondly calls it. On the 4th floor of a ladies dormitory a few minutes away from my house.

This is where I have been re-learning Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga after a long hiatus. It's not anymore just knowing which asanas come next or when to engage the bandhas, nor how to get into the full pose but really remembering that it is the breath that moves the body and circularly breathing with no stops to reach that infinite, unlimited potential.

Also keeping in mind to come back to zero, to neutral to Samasthiti after each pose. Samasthiti is Sthira Sukha Asanam when you ask yourself if you have the equanimity to go to the next pose.

Remembering also to lead with the heart on the inhalation and on the exhalation lead with the head.

My Mysore practice last weekend was a completely new experience for me. For one, I got to practice the full primary series (full, counted vinyasa) with Becky. She and Edith were kind enough to assist and adjust me in my problem poses. I felt like a dork beside her--my timing was off, my breathing was off, still I enjoyed the practice so much because it opened my eyes to a more gentle and natural style of practicing Ashtanga Yoga, the way these two teachers learned it from John Scott who, in turn, learned it traditionally from Guruji himself.

hOMe is also a place which encourages meaningful discussion. I simply love how Edith always urges practitioners to quietly state their intentions after the opening mantra and before practice. For her, with each inhalation she comes closer to God-whether he/she is Yahweh, Allah or Buddha—and God comes to her with the exhalation.

So good to be hOMe!

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